Tattoo Removal and Unemployment
Although the unemployment rate is slowly recovering, many years of economic recession have taken a toll on the job market. Many companies have had to downsize simply to stay in business. One unique solution to the unemployment crisis, at least at an individual level, could be tattoo removal.
In the past few years, tattoo removal has become easier and more affordable. As a result, more people – especially those who are unemployed – are having their tattoos removed. The primary marketing strategy for tattoo removal studios has been to suggest that people will have a better chance of landing a job if they have their tattoos removed. They have been offering package deals and other discounts as well.
Why has this marketing technique become successful? Because although tattoos have become much more common in mainstream society, there is still a stigma attached to them in the business realm. While this type of thinking may be outdated, it still exists, and could impact your ability to be hired if you have visible tattoos. Some companies even have policies stating that employees may not display tattoos while at work.
When asked, many companies with these policies have stated that they are concerned about customer perception. Some people still view tattoos unfavorably. If they see that employees have them, they may think negatively about the company as a whole. Obviously this type of prejudice is uncalled for, but it is a reality.
Although views on tattoos are changing, in the corporate world they can still be looked upon unfavorably. Because this is the case, having your highly visible tattoos removed could certainly increase your hiring prospects. Thankfully tattoo removal technology has seen advances in recent years. Laser tattoo removal services are more effective, affordable, and less painful than in the past. If you have been considering a tattoo removal, contact Beloved Laser Tattoo Removal today to learn more about the process.