It can be a long process or a rather short process when deciding to get a tattoo removed. Some individuals wait years to remove the ink, and some wait merely a few weeks. As certified laser tattoo removal technicians, we’ve seen it all. We’ve seen the instant regret of the tattoo, we’ve seen tattoos gone wrong, and we’ve seen people just tired of staring at the same old ink.
In Beloved Laser Tattoo Removal’s next blog series, we are going to uncover some of the main reasons why we find people in our chair.
The first motive for removal on our list is… drum roll please…
Terrible Ink
Maybe the tattoo artist was inexperienced, or maybe it was a friend wanting to test his new “tattoo at home” kit out of your fresh skin. We don’t judge—we make skin new.
We’ve all had something we regret: that one haircut, that one impaired text to your ex, or pass up the dream job in a different state. Don’t let your bad ink be on the list of regrets!
Call us today to schedule a FREE consultation with Karis: (651) 797 – 3738 and #BelovedYourSkin brand new.